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Mātes piens / Молоко матери

We 16/10/2024 19:00
Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
25.50 - 30.00

Nora Ikstena


Mātes piens


Ilgums –


Talantīga māte = traka māte? Vai vispār var tiesāt māti? Un saprast? Un piedot?

Kā saprast, vai māte tevi mīl vai tomēr darbs viņai ir pirmajā vietā?

Kā dzīvot tālāk, kad tava pasaule sabrūk, un vai ir jēga dzīvot, strādāt, cīnīties? Kā cilvēkam atgūt slāpes pēc dzīves, un vai maz ir iespējams to izdarīt?

Stāsts par māti un meitu, kurām katrai ir sava patiesība, sava sāpe un sava mīlestība.

Stāsts, kas savieno pagātni un tagadni: meita dzīvo savas mātes dzīvi, lasot viņas dienasgrāmatu.

Stāsts, kurā cieši savijas bērnības iespaidi un pieaugušo pārdzīvojumi, rūgtums un humors, dusmas un maigums.

Event Date / Time Venue Price  
Mātes piens / Молоко матери We 16/10/2024 19:00 Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle 25.50 - 30.00
Event Mātes piens / Молоко матери
Date / Time We 16/10/2024 19:00
Venue Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
Price 25.50 - 30.00
Good to know
Ticketing service fee 1.20 € (including VAT 21%) will be applied for each ticket.

•    Purchased tickets cannot be exchanged, returned or replaced in case of loss or damage
•    A ticket must be purchased for every patron, regardless of age
•    Animals are not allowed in the Theater
•    Theatre visitors are responsible for personal belongings that have not been handed over to the cloakroom
•    Lost or forgotten items should be reported to the house managers (phone: 20372513, e-mail: administracija@mct.lv)
•    We invite the audience to come to the performances on time, after the third bell, entry to the hall is denied
•    It is forbidden to bring food and drinks into the auditorium
•    Persons under the influence of alcohol may not be allowed into the auditorium
•    Please, keep the tickets until the end of the performance, the ticket controllers have the right to demand that they be presented
•    Children under the age of seven are not admitted to the evening performances, if there is a recommendation of 7+
•    The Theatre is open to the audience since 1 hour before the beginning of the performance
•    It is forbidden to photograph and film during the performance without the consent of Theatre
•    We invite you to treat other spectators and artists with respect during the performance. Enjoy your time here!

The ticket distributor only acts as an intermediary. If the event does not take place or is postponed, the event organizer, not the ticket distributor, assumes responsibility for the refund of the tickets purchased.
Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA
Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris VSIA
Kaļķu iela 16, Rīga, LV-1050, Rīga,
Reg. no: 40003793653
Event Mātes piens / Молоко матери
Date / Time We 16/10/2024 19:00
Venue Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
Price 25.50 - 30.00
Other dates Same promoter Same venue
Buy ticket Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
Buy ticket Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
Buy ticket Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
Buy ticket Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mātes piens / Молоко матери Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris, Mazā Zāle
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